How to install Golang (latest version) on Kali Linux

Noureldin Ehab | Creeper.exe
2 min readJul 31, 2021


So i was trying to download Golang for a week now and this journey was full of ERRORs so i wrote this blog because i don't want anyone to suffer like i did haha.

Let's get started:

So first we need to check there are no older Go versions installed by using :

which go

Now we know where is go we can delete it using:

rm -rf {insert the path here}

Now we can download the latest version from:

Now we need to extract the downloaded .tar folder, First we need to navigate to the Downloads folder from the terminal using:

cd {insert the directory path}

Now extract the folder:

tar -C /usr/local/ -xzf {insert the file name}

Now we need to add the variables in the zshrc folder using

nano ~/.zshrc

Go down at the end of the file and add:

#go variables
export GOPATH=/root/go-workspace
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go

Then press ctrl o to save then enter key then ctrl x to close the file

Then to refresh the zshrc file we gonna use this command:

source ~/.zshrc

Now we can celebrate WOOOOO 🎉🎊

Use this command to know the go version:

go version

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I’ll be happy to meet you more! :)



Noureldin Ehab | Creeper.exe
Noureldin Ehab | Creeper.exe

Written by Noureldin Ehab | Creeper.exe

Software Engineering Student | Cloud Security Engineer

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